Lyrics of Simple Things

Have you ever noticed how little
Happiness there is in the world today?
People look so haggard and sad,
Papers are full of murder and rape.
And the news on TV is all bad.

Nobody sings when they work anymore,
They won't look you straight in the eye when they talk.
They glance all around and don't tip their hat
When taking the dog for a walk.
Well, what the hell, let's change all of that!

Let's hear the birds sing,
Let's hear the bells ring,
Let's start to wear feelings of glad--
It really can't be all that bad.

Little kids still play in their childish way,
And old men still sit in the park.
The sun shall shine and the weather's just fine,
And the stars will come out after dark.

If we only make room for the simple things
And follow a course true and steady,
We'll lose that sad feeling
And find life more appealing--
I know I'm feeling better already.

© 2023 Bruce Coghill for Lyrics, Dan Carlson for Song. All rights reserved.
Feel free to copy and distribute the song and lyrics above.
But mass marketing or selling for profit is strictly prohibited without expressed written