Lyrics of Please Stay, written by Bruce Coghill
It's been so lonely in this old town
But not so much when you come around
Your stopping by brightens up my day
So much so I wish, I wish you could stay
Staying with me would bring me delight
Staying with me would fill me with light
We could sit and talk or watch
Or go for a walk,
that works for me
about it while I brew up some tea
Oh how I wish, I wish you could stay with me
Staying with me would bring me delight
Staying with me would fill me with light
We could write poems short
stories too
Turn them
into songs....that would be fun to do
Who knows? we might even write a play
We'll make our own music and call it..... Please Stay
Staying with me would bring me delight
Staying with me would fill me with light
But it's that time now and I
You will leave now
and you will go
I know
you must be on your way
Oh how I wish I wish you could stay
It's always so lonely in this
old town
But that
disappears when you come around
Your stopping by brightens up my day
So much so I wish, I wish you could stay
Staying with me would bring me delight
Staying with me would fill me with light
I wish you could stay.
Please stay.
© 2018 Bruce Coghill for Lyrics, Dan Carlson for song. All rights reserved.
Feel free to copy and distribute the song and lyrics above.
But mass marketing or selling for profit is strictly prohibited without expressed