Lyrics of My Album

I've been waiting for tomorrow since yesterday
(Let me tell ya)

Looking back at my life
At all the good and the strife
I see a big picture, a big picture folder
Of all the memories in my mind
That I can always find
While I grow older and older

My mind keeps turning the pages
As it goes through the stages
Reflecting all in life that I have done
Taking great pride without guilt
At the life I had built
Oh....the memories the joy and all the fun

(So it goes) I gotta say

I've been hoping and I've been dreaming
With just a touch of scheming
I've been waiting for tomorrow since yesterday
(Oh yes I have)

The weather never mattered and my life has never shattered
Because I have no fair weather friends
The people I look up to would never corrupt you
And their kindness never never ends

Every time I get a dream that turns into steam
Like the sun drying up the morning dew
They are always there with every reason to care
An they never leave me feeling blue

I've been hoping and I've been dreaming
With just a touch of scheming
I've been waiting for tomorrow since yesterday

So if and when you are able
My album is on my kitchen table
It's smack dab in the middle, oh yes it is
If you want to come and see it
Well then so be it
But first just let me say

I've been planning and I've been dreaming
With just a little bit of scheming
Hoping good things will come my way

I've been waiting for tomorrow
Waiting for tomorrow
I've been waiting for tomorrow since yesterday
(Let me tell Ya, oh yeah.)

© 2020 Bruce Coghill for Lyrics, Dan Carlson for Song. All rights reserved.
Feel free to copy and distribute the song and lyrics above.
But mass marketing or selling for profit is strictly prohibited without expressed written