Lyrics of Laughing

As I crawl this steep and slippery path
The time seems so slowly passing
With thoughts about my own epitaph
Slowly I start laughing laughing

For beyond the walls of time
The seeds of fate were sown
And left to neglect and to decay
By souls I have never known

The mountain I walk on which the poets wrote
Is now cracking at the seams
But through the cracks of what they wrote
The sun now so brightly gleams

And though they have all left this earth
I do not mourn their passing
I can only imagine them in my mind
And slowly start laughing laughing laughing

But soon the day has ended and I am tired
A pair of eagles fly high up above
As I drift off into my deep, deep dreams,
strange thoughts to drown the eagles scream

I awake the next morning in a fog.
I remember old men playing their guitars as they strum
I can remember children dancing in the moonlight
To the beat of a pounding drum

I remember the gypsy lady of whose charm I soon fell
And the memory of her perfume that put me in her spell
The look in her if they were glowing
Like she had just drank the wine of the all knowing.

But not one hint of compassion did her dark soul leak
And not one word of love did her lips speak
She took a hold of my thoughts and my every desire
Like the blown leaves of Autumn she raked into a fire.

Burning slowly to ashes it was meant to be
Though I may have been imprisoned forever
I will always be free, always.

© 2019 Bruce Coghill for Lyrics, Dan Carlson for song. All rights reserved.
Feel free to copy and distribute the song and lyrics above.
But mass marketing or selling for profit is strictly prohibited without expressed written