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Photos From  Our Readers and Students

Tesni P

      In February 2009 I received the following e-mail and photos from Tesni: 

Dear Mrs. Carlson

I discovered clay a few years ago, and I love using your books for both techinque and inspiration. I have four of your books which I love to use, and I'm saving up to buy one more. I think I may be one of your younger students and I hope you like the pictures I'm sending you of my latest creation. The inspiration came from your book 'How to make clay characters', but I changed the hair color and a few more things. Thank-you for inspiring me, and please keep writing the books!
Tesni P (13 years old)


Click photo for a larger photo of Tesni.







COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All images on this web site are copyrighted by Maureen Carlson and/or the respective artists and may not be used  for commercial purposes without written permission of individual artists.